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Anhui Sunton New Material Technology Co., Ltd.
Contact person: Mr. Gong
Mobile phone: 13451628308 18862688688
Email: fangming.gong@suntontech.cn
Office address: No. 168 Yuxin Road, Industrial Park, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province (Room 302-16, Building 1, Maishanlong Building)
Production address: North District, Economic Development Zone, Guangde City, Anhui Province (No. 1, Yuefei Avenue, Jinbotong Smart Park)

Water-soluble wax

  • Category:Water-soluble wax
  • Number of views:82次
  • Release Date:2023/6/20 16:45:34
  • Overview
Sunton Technology’s “Jiuding” brand water-soluble wax core not only has high surface finish and strength, but also dissolves conveniently and quickly. Place the wax mold containing the water-soluble wax core in a container of dilute hydrochloric acid or citric acid to dissolve it. After the water-soluble wax core is dissolved, a wax mold with complex cavities can be obtained after rinsing and drying. Currently, we are adding reinforcement agents to some water-soluble waxes to further improve their strength.
Many factories in China still use urea cores to produce castings with special structures, such as pipe and valve fittings, joints, and impellers with complex cavities. However, the strength of urea cores is low, and the production process relies on manual operation, which leads to low efficiency and cannot meet the high demands for slightly larger dimensions of castings or large-scale production.

Product Specification
Linear Shrinkage
Application Area
Brown or pink
High strength, low shrinkage, high surface finish, used
for high precision products
General purpose product, high strength, low shrinkage,
high surface finish
General purpose product, high strength, low shrinkage,
high surface finish
Grass green
High surface finish, fiber-free, widely used in aerospace
and precision parts
Next:Adhesive wax
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contact information

contacts:MR Gong



mobile phone:13451628308/18862688688

zip code:215127

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